个人简介 |
段鹏,男,汉族,1985年5月生,中国共产党党员,博士/博士后,副教授/副研究员,妇产学硕士生导师。博士期间获国家留学基金委(CSC)公派,访学于英国Lancaster University;现任湖北医药学院附属襄阳医院科研办主任、妇产科生殖医学科辅助生殖实验室主任、基于人类疾病斑马鱼模型新药筛选襄阳市重点实验室主任。 先后入选“襄阳市青年科技英才”、湖北省“楚天学子”和省“公共卫生青年拔尖人才计划”;以通讯和第一作者在Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=16.74)、Cell Death & Disease (IF=9.685)、Science of Total environment (IF=10.753)、Chemosphere (IF=8.943)等期刊发表论文二十五篇(中科院一/二区16篇)。先后荣获校级“教学名师”、“五一劳动奖章”和“科技创新标兵”,主持国自然青年项目和湖北省重点研发等十余项科研项目。 近三年以第一或者通讯发表的代表作有: [1] Peng Duan(段鹏), Jiaolong Huang, YongHao Sun, Liting Yang, Wei Min, Weicheng Zhang*. Polystyrene microplastics accelerate CuS dissolution and block Cu transfer in the Daphnia magna-zebrafish (Danio rerio) food chain under sunlight irradiation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023: 145328.(第一作者;SCI期刊;IF=16.744,中科院一区) [2]Liu Y*, Tian Y*, Zhang C, Lu X, Xue Y, Wang X, Liao Q, Li X, Lian K, Huang J, Deng J#,Duan P(段鹏)#. Intergenerational effects of parental [Cnmim]BF4 (n = 4, 6, 8) ionic liquids exposure on zebrafish development based on transcriptomic analysis. Science of The Total Environment, 2023;891:164394.(第一通讯;SCI期刊;IF=10.753,中科院一区) [3]Lu X*, He Y*, Liu Y, Wang XP, Xue YL, Zheng ZY, Duan SY, Kong HL, Zhang RZ, Huang JL, Deng J#, Duan P(段鹏)#. Intergenerational toxic effects of parental exposure to [Cn mim]NO3 (n=2,4,6) on nervous and skeletal development in zebrafish offspring. Environmental toxicology, 2023, doi: 10.1002/tox.23858.(第一通讯;SCI期刊;IF=4.5,中科院三区) [4]Yan He*, Nannan Cao*, Yanan Tian, Xuelin Wang, Qiaohong Xiao, Xiaojuan Tang, Jiaolong Huang, Tingting Zhu, Chunhui Hu, Ying Zhang, Jie Deng, Han Yu#,Peng Duan(段鹏)#. Development and validation of two redox-related genes associated with prognosis and immune microenvironment in endometrial carcinoma[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(6): 10339-10357. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023453.(第一通讯;SCI期刊;IF=2.6,中科院四区) [5]Nannan Cao*, Chunhui Hu*, Bintong Xia, Yan He, Jiaolong Huang, Zhicheng Yuan, Jie Deng#, andPeng Duan(段鹏)#. The Activated AMPK/mTORC2 Signaling Pathway Associated with Oxidative Stress in Seminal Plasma Contributes to Idiopathic Asthenozoospermia [J]. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2022, 4240490.(第一通讯;SCI期刊;IF=7.31,中科院二区) [6]Xiaren Liu*, Xuelin Wang*, Jun Zhao*, Chunhui Hu, Nannan Cao, Henggui Chen, Bin Sun, YiXin Wang, Chengliang Xiong, Jie Deng#,Peng Duan(段鹏)#. Association between tea consumption and semen quality among 1385 healthy Chinese men [J].Chemosphere, 2022, 135140.(第一通讯;SCI期刊;IF= 8.943,中科院二区) [7]Yanqing Wu#,Duan Peng (段鹏)#, Yujiao Wen, Jin Zhang, Xiaoli Wang, Juan Dong, Qiang Zhao, Shenglei Feng, Chunyu Lv, Yang Guo, Satoshi H. Namekawa, Shuiqiao Yuan. UHRF1 establishes crosstalk between somatic and germ cells in male reproduction[J]. Cell Death & Disease, 2022, 13(4): 1-13.(第一作者排第二;SCI期刊;IF= 9.685,中科院一区) [8]Wang XL, Liu MX, Peng S, Yang L, Lu C, Shou SC, Wang JR, Sun JY, Wang JQ, Hu Y, Zhao J*,Duan P* (段鹏). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on career intention amongst undergraduate medical students: a single-centre cross-sectional study conducted in Hubei Province. BMC Med Educ. 2022;22(1):154.(第一通讯;SCI期刊;IF=3.263,本科教学研究SCI论著,中科院三区) [9] Tong L#, Duan P (段鹏)#, Tian X, Huang J, Ji J, Chen Z, Yang J, Yu H, Zhang W. Polystyrene microplastics sunlight-induce oxidative dissolution, chemical transformation and toxicity enhancement of silver nanoparticles. Science of The Total Environment. 2022;827:154180.(第一作者排第二;SCI期刊;IF= 10.753,中科院一区) [10]Xia BT, He Y, Guo Y, Huang JL, Tang XJ, Wang JR, Tan Y*,Duan P* (段鹏): Multi- and transgenerational biochemical effects of low-dose exposure to bisphenol A and 4-nonylphenol on testicular interstitial (Leydig) cells. Environmental toxicology. 2022.(第一通讯;SCI期刊;IF=4.119,中科院二区) [11]Duan P (段鹏)#, Ha M#, Huang X, Zhang P, Liu C: Intronic miR-140-5p contributes to beta-cypermethrin-mediated testosterone decline. Science of The Total Environment. 2022, 806:150517.(第一作者;SCI期刊;IF=10.753,中科院一区) [12]Huang J#,Duan P# (段鹏), Tong L, Zhang W: Influence of polystyrene microplastics on the volatilization, photodegradation and photoinduced toxicity of anthracene and pyrene in freshwater and artificial seawater.SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2021:152049.(第一作者排第二;SCI期刊;IF=10.753,中科院一区) [13]Duan P (段鹏), Huang X, Ha M, Li L, Liu C: miR-142-5p/DAX1-dependent regulation of P450c17 contributes to triclosan-mediated testosterone suppression. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 717:137280.(第一作者;SCI期刊;IF=10.753) |